Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This girl always tries to impress me and it's extremely annoying to me?

She's one of my ';friends';. I've kind of been biting my tongue and just putting up with her because I don't want to be mean. Now, understand that I'm a guy and she's a girl, so I don't know if the case is that she likes me or something? Who knows...

She's a grade below me and I've been her best friend for about a year or so... but she ALWAYS tells me things that I'm pretty sure she only tells me so I'll be impressed or something.

She makes up stories (I'm pretty sure she makes them up anyway) about how random guys stare at her, or follow her around, or whistle at her, whatever... and today's story was that a guy came up to her and kissed her for no reason. I think she tells me things like that because she wants me to think that lots of guys like her and think she's cool, and somehow thinks that by telling me, it will make me think the same. Which, to be honest, just isn't true.

And sometimes she makes something up, pretending that she's completely oblivious to what she obviously is wanting me to think. For example, she told me once, ';So I was hugging one of my guy friends, and over his shoulder I saw my other guy friend stop and glare at me kind of, and turn around and walk the other way, and then he wouldn't talk to me the rest of the day. Do you know why he could have done that?';

yeah right, you obviously just made that entire story up at a failed attempt to either impress me or make me jealous. Right? You know the answer to your own question about that entirely fake little story you made up. It's irritating, immature, and naive. How can I make her stop this?This girl always tries to impress me and it's extremely annoying to me?
i had the same prolbem once...

the answer to your issue seems simple, bring it up to her face you honestly seem like the blunt type of person so just tell her streght forward...never the less you know that she will pertend to be obvlious to it,so tell her that this game has gone on far enough you dont have time to skrew around if your going to flirt then do so but leave me out of it, if she is ignorant to this then tell her your friendship is over (weather it is or not) jsut leave her alone ...she need time for the thought of understanding to set in.

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