Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another love poem..well..for lovers of all ages...what do you think?

During October whilst the clouds whistled through

My heart ran like black stallions across golden plains

Their hooves floating amidst flowers made rich of hue

Pink petals strumming their magnificent twirling manes

Our hands conjoin icy blue diamond rings winking

From where the Sun’s passionate gaze pierces its soul

Our voices with so much passion now forever singing

Running through these fields where dragon flies lull

How can love like ours be so mysterious yet daunting?

That makes us masters of our romantic destinies

Our past ghosts fleeting within memories so haunting

Must rest amongst grave yards forgiving twinkling seas

My knees are heavy whilst my breath remains calm

Gazing into your light deep-set brown eyes weeping

Such loving persuasion eagerly awaits within my palm

My mind twirling like nervous coins silently leaping

Forward into a magical ocean of courageous aspiration

This old superstition, “Luck, bestowed only upon fools”

Your face glowing like yellow candle-light burning elation

“Yes!” I jump for joy ignoring as gravity pushes and pulls

My physicality symbolizes mortality amongst immortals

Whilst this bitter entity brings me slowly down to earth

Distant sound of bees humming our tune silently chortles

My heart elaborating upon happiness from ashes rebirth

My beating heart spinning, one floating world of its own

While we roll around in the fields kissing and laughing

Where bountiful flowers carrying pollen of love are known

Holding your hand running, “My love, where art thou going?”

My fingers lightly press against your lips, “Let love show you”

Your amber hair flowing like mermaids against the obscure sky

Wherein we come upon a lake, therein lies a boat just for you

I take your hand, “Gentle now,” white full moon drifting nigh

My arms rowing, paddles rippling across stilled quiet waters

Your smile gleaming rich of wondrous desire and loving care

Shimmering bars swim across waves moonlight’s daughters

My breath is held, “I know nothing of a kiss, yet shall we share?”

The paddles fall against the boat’s wooden carcass with a thud

Angels speak, “true passion for love never expiates”

Crickets chirping within the wound of the howling wind

Green frogs croaking and sitting upon soft dinner plates

My hands like pick axes mining what they hope to find

Golden breasts, so tender and lonesome, needing attention

Curiosity for thirsting to know their secretive desires

A magician for love, yet again, disappearing contention

Our tongues clash and dance around romantic fires

The boat is rocking and tipping and mocking our joy

You grab my arms, clenching tight, suddenly, splash!

We both fall into the cool water, scattering orange coy

We laugh and giggle and climb reluctantly into the boat

The horizon painted the river pinkish-red, “What a view”

Thanks for your comments. I really love my girlfriend. Ella es mi inspiracion! =] Spanish for: She is my inspiration. I am also going to be posting poems in spanish! Look forward to that. Que buena duerma!Another love poem..well..for lovers of all ages...what do you think?
A very enjoyable read. You had me with ';black stallions across golden plains'; (strength) and ';Pink petals'; (sensitivity). Enough visuals to last a life time. Similarities were quite refreshing - especially liked the green frogs on ';soft dinner plates';. Bravo ♥

http://images.google.com/url?source=imgr…Another love poem..well..for lovers of all ages...what do you think?
Wow thats really, really good
You've 'got it bad' young man!

It is a beautiful poem and should impress your young lady, but remember that love is blind.

I wish you, both, every success.

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